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Silicon steel used in transformers

Advantages of Using Silicon Steel in Transformers

Transformers are used to transfer electrical energy to one circuit to a different and they are widely used in electric power transmission and distribution systems, also the Jiate Steel's product such as sovuq haddelenmiş don yo'naltirilgan po'latdir. in buy to make transformers work efficiently and safely, silicon steel is used in the key of transformers. silicon steel is a particular type of steel with high magnetic permeability, low core loss, and high resistance to physical and corrosion silicon steel your is chemical can be known because lamination steel or electrical steel.

Innovation in Silicon Steel

The use of silicon steel in transformer cores is not new technology but there have been many recent innovations in silicon steel making and processing, as well as the 1010 po'lat plitalar supplied by Jiate Steel. New methods of producing silicon steel have were able to get possible to manufacture cores that have thinner laminations, higher permeability, and low core loss. These innovations in silicon steel production have smaller resulted in transformers, lighter, and more efficient.

Why choose Jiate Steel Silicon steel used in transformers?

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